Jim Ross believes Brock Lesnar will return to the UFC and a Jon Jones fight would sell a million PPVs

There's been a lot of smoke over the past two weeks regarding a potential return to UFC action from Brock Lesnar, something that Dana White has been denying wholeheartedly as he promotes UFC 214. But even though rumors of a visit to UFC HQ from Lesnar and close friend Paul Heyman may not be true, the possibility of his return is still exciting many. Also exciting: the possibility of him fighting Jon Jones, who said he'd be happy to face the WWE superstar.

One more person who thinks that's a great idea is WWE commentator Jim Ross.

"Interesting sound bytes from Brock Lesnar and Jon Jones regarding the potential of a UFC fight between the two perhaps some day in the future," Ross wrote on his blog. "Both men were accomplished amateur grapplers from their college days and both are badass alpha males...there is no doubt that a Lesnar-Jones fight would generate north of 1M PPV buys quite easily, I'm thinking."

Ross also thought Lesnar would indeed return to the UFC.

"Yes, I do think that Brock Lesnar will again fight in the UFC because he can generate a giant, payday(s) for his family," he wrote. "And, I assume, would still maintain a positive relationship with WWE. Seems like this matter of Lesnar return to UFC is inevitable and should be a win/win for all involved as it relates to the cash. Winning or losing a UFC fight won't hamper Lesnar's value to WWE in the least to my way of thinking. Based on what I know, I see no reason that a Lesnar return to UFC would cease Brock's WWE paydays over the long haul."

Whatever the future may hold for Lesnar, his immediate business includes a match against three other wrestlers at Summerslam on August 20th. He and the UFC will also be unable to spring a sudden return due to his USADA suspension for clomiphene, which is currently frozen at four months while Lesnar remains retired and out of the drug testing pool. But that's not a big deal ... Brock will have to be tested for six months before he's eligible to compete again, so if something is going to happen, the involved parties will have to tip their hands early with an official return to testing.
