Matt Hughes’ close friend posts about UFC legend’s ‘miracle’ progress

Matt Hughes seems to be doing much better — well enough to leave the hospital, at least for a meal.

Tony Zucca, a close friend of Hughes, posted news about what he says is “miracle” progress for the UFC legend Sunday. He even included a picture of himself and Hughes, writing that he was able to take Hughes, who is in a wheelchair, out for sushi.

“Less than two months ago I didn't know if my best friend was going to make it, and tonight we made a jail break for sushi (in disguise. Ha),” Zucca wrote. “Talk about a rollercoaster of emotions! His progress is nothing short of a miracle.”

Hughes was seriously injured when a truck he was driving was struck by a train in June. He has been at HSHS St. John’s Hospital in Springfield, Ill., ever since. Hughes had no broken bones or internal injuries, but was only minimally responsive a week after the crash.

According to Zucca, the UFC Hall of Famer is much better than he was even a few weeks ago. Zucca said Hughes even told him that he had “one more round” still in him.

“He is working so hard and fights through the frustration,” Zucca said. “He is, as he's always been, an inspiration. I can't wait to hit the mats with him again...and he told me today that he has "one more round" left in him! Ha. (He laughed...but definitely wasn't joking!).”

Hughes, 43, held the UFC welterweight title multiple times between 2001 and 2004 and is considered one of the best UFC champs of all time. He stepped away from the cage in 2011, but was recently talking about a comeback.

Zucca added that Hughes still “has a long road ahead” in his recovery.

“Thank you for all of your prayers!” he wrote. “Please keep them up as he still has a long road ahead of him. I am witnessing the power of them firsthand! So thankful!”
