Midnight Mania! McGregor’s noodle arms have him ready for anything, boss baby son ready too

Bringing you the weird and wild from the world of MMA each and every weeknight

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McGregor’s noodle arms will never not be funny to me. This is one of the many cultural memes that earmark this fight and make the whole farce palatable- at least we get a good laugh out of it. If you can’t enjoy McGregor whipping his arms back and forth like a slinky toy in video games, next to John Travolta and Drake, in the club, on the dance floor... then what are you even doing online?

If you can’t see the above video, head over to MMAMania’s Facebook page to check it out. In the meantime, enjoy this shot of McGregor Junior, running the show like a young Boss Baby. Like father, like son.

Boss baby ❤️

A post shared by Conor McGregor Official (@thenotoriousmma) on Aug 24, 2017 at 6:04pm PDT

That’s already turned into a meme too because why not

The difference in size of bets on McGregor vs. Mayweather is startling.

McGregor’s confidence is undented for at least another day.

Here’s what McGregor and Mayweather said to each other at the final staredown, isolated from the surrounding noise

They keep releasing tiny snippets of this McGregor-Malignaggi sparring footage. I want to see the whole thing. McGregor vs. an out-of-shape Malignaggi is almost certainly bound to be a better matchup than what we will get Saturday night.

For much more on “Mayweather vs. McGregor” be sure to hit up our comprehensive (and impressive) collection of event-related stories right here.


This baseball brawl got real pretty quickly. Check out how fast that catcher changed levels for a double-leg. It didn’t work exactly as planned, but he didn’t have long before everyone else pile in anyway.

Here’s how the bad blood began: an extremely dangerous pitch at the skull.

A reminder of what remains the best punch I’ve seen a baseball player throw (skip to the 50 second mark)

That’s just wrong

Slips, Rips, and Submission Clips

“A beautiful rear-naked choke”

Vicious position- those knees look painful

Conor McGregor’s MMA debut. A decade later, he will be making 100 million dollars fighting the most famous boxer of his generation. McGregor has achieved the ultimate combat athlete’s dream

Just keep swinging, and good things will happen for you... or to you

Podcasts and Video

I was on a betting website the other day and I saw some of these crazy prop bets. Fortunately, or unfortunately, I’m too poor to take advantage, so y’all go crazy for me.

The Birth of the Dragon Movie Trailer

The MMA Ratings Podcast

Good Reads and Quick Hits

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Which dog describes you?

Y’all seem to like these animal combat videos

Stay woke, Maniacs! Follow me on Twitter @Vorpality. We are gearing up for Hurricane Harvey, so if Midnight Mania doesn’t come out tomorrow it’s because my power and internet is down.
